This page displays information about Weeblr systems operations and is updated in real-time. Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to RSS to be alerted of new events.
4SEO updater
Server responsible for 4SEO one-click updates
4AI updater
Server responsible for 4AI one-click updates
4SEF updater
Server responsible for 4SEF one-click updates
4Podcast updater
Server responsible for 4Podcast one-click updates
We’ll run multiple software updates on the website and on the server. While no downtime is expected, there may be some broken pages and other disturbances during the updates. We expect this work to last about 30 minutes.
(10:30 — Apr 29)
We’ll run some update on the website, including Joomla! extensions. No perturbations are expected.
Maintenance completed
(14:51 — Apr 8)
PayPal has been playing tricks with us for the last 24 hours or so. We are waiting to hear back from their support. Currently, we need to manually enable all Paypal-paid subscriptions, which will delay your access. If possible, please use our credit card payment instead of Paypal. It is equally secure (Stripe), and much more user friendly anyway. Sorry about the trouble, we’ll try to have them fix that ASAP.
Maintenance completed PayPal informed us that they have resolved the issue in their system, and all payments should be now properly validated as usual.
(08:53 — Mar 12)
A misconfiguration of our web server caused a downtime while doing an update, which should have normally been transparent. Sorry about the trouble! \
We’ll run some update on the website, including Joomla! extensions. No perturbations are expected. \
Up and running
We will be removing pages related to our discontinued Josetta extension in the coming hours. No disturbance is expected aside from pages display and menu content in flux. \
Up and running provides GPL-licensed SEO and content management extensions for the Joomla! CMS.
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